
Our Quality Charts

Our quality approach is focused on customer satisfaction by obtaining ISO 9001:2015 and TS 29001:2010 procedures. Implementation of this quality management system ensures a follow-up and a high traceability of our products.

Our sustainable development approach integrates all social, economic and environmental concerns related to our business activities and customer relations. HSE principles have been anchored in the culture of Eurofiliales. Our HSE approach is developed on all our sites and involves all our employees. Our quality department ensures its efficiency and its impact on the satisfaction of our customers.

Logo HSE

Our commitment to health, safety and environment

For our employees
  • Employees’s training to our HSE requirements.
  • To ensure safe working conditions through a systematic analysis of operational HSE risks before starting our projects.
  • Provide all resources and protective equipment to work in a safe and healthy conditions.
  • Regularly educate our employees with HSE causes in order to enable them to identify risks and improvements to our business.
  • Train, empower and qualify our employees to work on our customers' sites.
For our operational activities:
  • Concevoir des produits conformes aux exigences règlementaires techniques et adaptés à une utilisation respectant les exigences environnementales
  • Define efficient work methods to meet our customers' expectations and reduce environmental impacts.
  • Respect the international HSE regulatory requirements related to our activities
  • Preserve our environment by reducing our energy consumption and controlling our waste.
  • Appoint an HSE referent on our site and at our partners' sites to monitor and improve our HSE procedures.
For our customers:
  • Protect and promote human rights,the economic and social development of local communities.
  • Participate in the protection of public safety, health and safety of workers and local communities.

ISO 9001

For keeping our customer's confidence and making our relations long-lasting implementing an integrated management approach became a company objective as early as in 2003.

The requirements of the ISO 9001 quality reference specifications correspond to our company's culture : rigour, compliancy with manufacturing and control procedures, and a permanent endeavour to satisfy our customers and improve our work. The company has also integrated security and environmental safety requirements into these reference specifications. They are applicable no only on our own works but also on our customers' premises for complying with their site requirements.

ISO TS / 29001

Developed by the technical committee ISO/TC67 in charge of the standardization of materials, equipment and offshore structures used in the petroleum industries. ISO/TS 29001 defines a specific quality management system for the petroleum sector. French version of the API Spec. Q1, the ISO/TS29001 incorporates additional requirements for production processes to ensure maximum customer satisfaction.

API 610

API 610, the American version of ISO 13709, is an international standard for centrifugal pumps used in the oil, petrochemical and gas industries. The high level of requirements required makes it a guarantee of safety for the final user. For each activity, EUROFILIALES ensures the compliance of the elements refurbished by its employees following this standard.